Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Much better news than I thought!!

I had my CT scans today and met with my oncologist and although I have one confirmed new subcutaneous tumor and another existing tumor that has doubled in size, my chest and abdomen remain clear and the tumor next to my spine has not changed in size. This is very encouraging news as I was worried that with new tumors that I could feel, I might also have new tumors in internal areas as well.

However, my oncologists feels that we should not wait much longer to try immunotherapy: to begin it while I am still very healthy and able to tolerate the treatment. So at the end of January I will have a PET scan to definitively assess the existing tumors and an MRI of my brain and neck to make sure that there are no lesions there. In early February, I will begin Interleukin 2 which requires hospitalization during the week long treatments.

I am much relieved! As some of you know, I was expecting much worse. It is often hard to be continually optimistic in the face of this disease. All in all, this is great news to begin the new year!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Golf on December 19th!!!

It is hard to believe but today dawned sunny and bright after weeks of very wet weather. Snow is predicted in the hills this evening but it was nice when I walked the dog this morning. So I went up to the country club and manage to slog through the mud and play the equivalent of 18 holes of golf (played 2 balls for 9 holes). Actually hit some pretty nice balls on some of the holes which really surprised me.

This has been a bad month for cars in our family. Both my daughter-in-law and my son-in-law were in car accidents in which their cars were totaled. Lori was bruised but OK, but Brian suffered a slight brain injury and needed not to do anything active or strenuous for a couple of weeks. I went up and babysat for Kai for the week. What fun!! but exhausting. I took Kai to the children's playroom at OMSI one morning and my legs felt like I had done 100 squats from getting up and down from all the little chairs!! Not to be left out, I took Dash to the children's museum at the Portland Zoo. He is now at an age where he really enjoys playing with the other kids so I could just watch and enjoy. Got home yesterday and slept 11 hours last night!!!!

Am a bit discouraged as I can feel another subcutaneous tumor and the one in my right thigh is getting much bigger. Will find out exactly where I stand when I have my scans on the 28th. However, I am sooo thankful that I have had these two months to recover from the BRAF drug and to be well enough to enjoy golf and babysitting.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

As the lights on the last candles of Hanukkah burn down and the Christmas lights twinkle on all over the neighborhood, I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. My holidays will be full with my kids and grandkids and my two sisters as well several gatherings of friends. I also look forward to some quiet time at the beach for long walks and reflection about my life over the last year and the challenges in the years ahead.

I will probably not post much until I have my scans and meet with my oncologist on the 29th. I will know then whether I am holding my own or will need to start another course of therapy (an immune enhancing on this time). Please keep your positive thoughts and cares coming my way.

In this season of giving, please consider (thank you if you haven't done so already) making a contribution to the Melanoma Research Foundation at .

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Well today is a very big day in Corvallis and Oregon. The Oregon Ducks are playing the OSU Beavers in the annual civil war game. But there is much more at stake than the inter university rivalry. If the Ducks win, they will play in the national championship game. Needless to say the town is rocking. I am going to stay warm and watch the game on TV.

I had a marvelous Thanksgiving in the Bay Area with three generations of Bloomfields. There were 15 of us at the table for most meals all week as we rotated between homes. I came home exhausted but feeling like it was a very special time.

I am feeling so good. I have to pinch myself. My face is finally healing up from the ravages of the drug and the cancer surgery. I am able to sleep and eat well and each day have a little more energy. I feel so blessed to be able to have this time and am savoring each moment.

With the holidays upon us, I am going to stay pretty close to home with celebrations and time for friends and family in Corvallis, on the coast and in Portland.

For now I will be posting about once a week, unless I get some really cute photos of the kids from Thanksgiving.