Friday, December 23, 2011

Wonderful Holiday Present

Today was the best present of the season...Sunny and 50 degrees. I walked 9 holes of golf (without exhausting myself) and scored 48 (which I haven't done in a long time.) Came home to the wagging tail and adoring eyes of my Sophie and she and I had a long walk. I must admit that I am having a difficult time with transferring her main home to Lynda, but know that is best for her.

May you holiday be filled with sunshine, warmth and the love of family and friends.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Hanukkah

While I was in Portland this weekend, I celebrated Hanukkah early with each of my children and their families. We had a wonderful low-key time, being together and enjoying watching the grandkids with their new toys.

As I light the candles this week, I think about the inner light and energy that we all have. May it burn brightly for years to come.

Happy Holidays to all!

My apartment in Portland

I spent the weekend setting up my new apartment in Portland. Although I am missing some things (rugs, more art for the walls). It is a comfortable and warm living space with a wonderful view. I can't believe how welcoming the whole Willamette View community is and how quickly I felt comfortable being there. It is just a quick drive to my kids homes and I can see myself running over there often to see the grandkids or just to help out. I originally thought this would be a place for me to be during treatment, but with my partial remission, it is turning into a place for enjoying living!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My week at Commonweal

This past week was very intense and very rewarding. I think that Louise, a 2003 participant in the Cancer Help Program, summed it up well in her poem (slightly adapted for my experience):

When my friends ask, "How was Cancer Camp?" I will say...

While you were fighting the freeway traffic, I was walking in the woods admiring new green shoots and thinking of the cycle of life.

While your were listening to news of Iraq and the euro crisis, I was hearing birds sing, the ocean waves pounding, and coyotes baying at the full moon.

While your were complaining of your aches and pains, I was being pampered with a massage given by loving hands.

While you were racing through the mall madly shopping for the holidays, I was meditating, learning yoga and playing in the sand tray.

While you were calling around to find someone to go to the movies with, I found seven new friends to share thoughts with, to laugh and cry with.

While you put your Lean Cuisine in the microwave, I was feasting on homemade soup and gourmet vegetarian fare!

I have cancer - you don't. But who had a better time this past week - you or me?