Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Six weeks post surgery

It has been a busy holiday season with socials and parties in both Corvallis and Portland. I have probably been doing too much. (such as making 80+ blintzes for our wonderful family Hanukkah celebration) As a result, I am tiring quite easily and sleeping a lot. Although the discomfort and pain in the muscles in my back is better, it often flares up if I do too much and I have numbness in my left hand and neuropathy in the fingers.

I saw the neurologist today and he said that given the type of surgery that I underwent, he is very pleased with the progress I am making. He put me back on neurontin for the neuropathy and nerve pain and recommended light massage and soaking in a hot tub. (He says pamper yourself a bit!) He still wants me to limit my activity to walking and only putting and chipping for golf. (Also, very careful interaction with the grandchildren!) It is evident that he expects the recovery to take 3 months or more and that I may always have some residual nerve damage. I will have scans at 3 months and he and the oncologist will reassess whether I will need further treatment or surgery.

Wishing you and your family days filled with good food and fellowship and moments of wonder and reflection.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Continued Progress

Just realized that it has been three weeks since I last updated the blog. I am improving but more slowly than I would like. The muscles in my neck are really protesting to having to support my head without a good portion of the C6 vertebra. As a result I have a lot of pain and discomfort from muscle strain and spasms. I still need to be horizontal for periods of the day to give those muscles a break.

That being said. My incision has healed nicely and I have a rather large indent at the base of my neck where they removed part of the vertebra. I am trying to get out and walk or ride the stationary bike every day to get some of my stamina back.

I had a wonderful time at the beach with family over Thanksgiving. We had 10 for dinner and the weather treated us to everything from warm sunshine (walked 3 miles on the beach) to heavy rain and high winds. Typical Oregon coast in the winter.

I am working very hard to appreciate each moment that I am given. A friend sent me this link which is a lovely reminder of how we should live each day.