Thursday, May 24, 2012


This photo is one of joy and it is what I feel now that the radiation oncologist has looked at my scans very carefully and has confirmed that nothing remains of the tumor in my neck and there are no new tumors in my spine or brain. We will do a pet scan in August to see if there are new tumors in any other part of my body or if my remission continues.
     I must admit that with this news, I am having to adjust my way of thinking. Over the last four years I have worked very hard to live in the moment and not think about or plan much into the future, but now I may have more of a future than I thought. I still want to work very hard at not filling every moment with activities, but living at a more mindful pace. This has not been my normal way of operating in the world and I will be interested in how well I succeed. You all have permission to remind me of that goal.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Best news in 4 years! Initial readings of brain and spinal MRIs are normal. If the radiation oncologist confirms this, I will be considered in remission and not have to have scans again until August.