Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One step forward and two steps back

Well, my feeling better was quite short-lived. Guess I tried to do too much and it really put me back. I felt horrible last night and hurt and itched all over. A little better today but still feeling crummy. It is hard not to get terribly depressed when the drug that hopefully will extend my life makes me feel so horrible and takes away my ability to do much or anything. I still expect to be home this afternoon about 4.

Spent some time with Dash this morning before going back to bed. We were singing Frere Jacques in the photo.

The HELP I will need in the next week is walking Sophie on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and a ride to Portland on Monday afternoon (Aug 30) and a ride home on Tuesday afternoon (Aug 31) next week. Please email me if you can help. I also would like a volunteer who would be willing to be my coordinator for dog walking and rides to Portland.


  1. We just used http://www.carecalendar.org for meals for a new widow. Someone has to be the coordinator (and I should think it would work better with someone local, tho' not necessarily). Then everyone on your mailing list (esp. locals) gets mailed the basic info with the logon code and the security code. (The logon code can be part of the URL you send out, so folks have to enter only the security code.) There's a calendar with spots for what's needed when; each person then signs up by opening the link to the spot. If the person who'll do this wants to see our example, I'll send her our logon code and security code. More hugs -- if you've got any space on your body where it doesn't hurt. Love, Jean

  2. Molly,

    Cathy and I are happy to take Sophie for a walk early evening today (Wed) after it cools off a bit - perhaps 6:30? We are also available to take her out tomorrow afternoon at 4:00. Please e-mail us to let us know at neumann.cathy@gmail.com (need to get your address too).

    Cathy and Tamina
