Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best News I Could Hope For!!

Some of the personal advice that Pema Chodron gave me last weekend was "Don't escalate!" She meant not to spin scenarios in your head worrying about what might be or happen. She promotes living in the moment and approaching each experience with an open mind and kind heart. Well, I certainly had to practice that since my scans of last Friday and her advice proved so true.

Becca and I saw my oncologist today and he seemed rather subdued when he came to see us so Becca and I expected bad news. But what he wanted to advise us to do was just what I wanted. My melanoma seems to be new tumors and the ones that remain don't seem to be growing very fast. My blood tests also showed that my liver and pancreas have fully recovered. So he wanted to just to hold off on any more treatment , to let my body recover, and to rescan in two months. Terrific plan as far as I am concerned!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the advice from Pema - who knows what can happen tomorrow? Enjoy the day you have!! That's always been my philosophy! Hope that the MOHS.
