Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Managing the balancing act...

A rare sunny day in Portland and Mom took advantage of it to sit in big chair by the window and soak in some of the warmth and rays.

That was a rare highlight for her though in a day when the big IL-2 side effects were all starting to make their presence felt. Her blood pressure and electrolyte levels were all over the place (mostly way too low) and took a lot of managing by the nursing staff. And this evening Mom reported that the less pleasant digestive side effects had all started to kick in in all their misery.

Despite this she was 7/7 on doses as of this evening and expected to be able to get her 8th dose tonight at 11. If she does she'll only be one short of where she made it the past two cycles. So mostly likely she is very close to being done with receiving doses (unless her body is able to absorb a lot more punishment this time) and will spend the remainder of the time in the hospital trying to re-stabilize her systems so that she is well enough to be released.

Alex and I will probably go spend some time at the hospital tomorrow so I'll be able to give a first-hand report on how she's doing on what (in the past) has been one of her rougher days of the cycle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Becca. Getting this far seems to be a very good sign. Hope that the restabilizing goes well and she is home recouping on schedule.
    Hugs and prayers,
