Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ready to tackle cycle 3!

What a marvelous weekend to get me psychologically and emotionally ready to begin my next cycle of treatment on Monday morning. Saturday morning 23 friends gathered to share wonderful food and gifts of special traits with me. The room was filled with love and healing energy that will carry me through the next two cycles of treatment. Any time I feel down or need encouragement, I can reach into my beautiful bag and pull out a message of support from the healing circle breakfasts that I have had.

This morning my children and grandchildren got together for an early Mothers day brunch. They gave me flowers and loads of hugs. The day was beautiful so we made the most of it by being outside and taking walks around the neighborhood. Just the thing I needed before being locked in a hospital bed for the week.

Even though I know what to expect, it takes a great deal of courage to enter another cycle of this treatment. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will imagine being held by your supportive hands and surrounded by healing blue energy.

1 comment:

  1. It's probably more BECAUSE you know what to expect that it takes a great deal of courage, but you've got it!! Plus you've got sooooo much love and soooo many prayers coming your way!

    Keep up the good work!
    Lots of love,
