Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Surreal Night (Should have been posted April 20. 2013)

So last night was very surreal.

I had got the good new from the oncologist, had a delicious lunch at
Jade with a dear friend from Corvallis. My PT appointment was very
positive as I am gaining strength in my left arm and flexibility in my
neck. She ran me through a lot of new exercises for the next week. My
arm was tired but fine. Joined friends for wine and food to celebrate
my news and then played some good duplicate bridge. Headed to bed
tired, but looking forward to the weekend.

Just after I got settled, my arm and hand began to throb with very
sharp pains in the hand, wrist, arm and neck...which grew to be as bad
as anything I had experience since surgery. It really quite frightened
me. Got out the heavy duty pain killers and took one hoping it would
calm the pain. It really didn't touch do much to lesson the pain so I
got up and read for a while. Took a second pill and wrote my blog
posts. The pain began to abate about 2 am so I went back to bed hoping
to get some sleep.

No luck at all. I felt wired, like I had taken speed. I tried
everything to relax...meditating on my breath, Chen's whole body
relaxing, listening to soothing music. Finally gave up at 5:30 and
watched the sunrise over the Willamette. I really don't think I slept
at all..can't remember if I have ever had a completely sleepless night
like that.

Today should be interesting as I have lots on the schedule and the
pain and tingling is returning...hopefully it won't be as bad as I
really don't want to get back on the pain killers (of course, it is
Saturday so I can't talk to the doc or PT!)

Just going to take it as it comes and hopefully get in a long nap.

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